Let It Change You

March 31, 2020

Like many, COVID-19 has forced me to work remotely from home. Saving the 1.5-hour commute each day has made it possible for me to take late afternoon walks with my husband, make a few home cook meals (I haven’t completely lost my touch), and spend more time in the morning reading the Bible. I like these things, and I realized that there was really nothing preventing me from doing these things before, except habit. I’d like to let the new habits I am creating right now become permanent change.

Today, I came across Hebrews 6:7: For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. 

The writer is admonishing his audience to let the Holy Spirit, the Word (the Bible), and what they had been taught from the pulpit soak in. To let it change them so that they will bear fruit in their lives. The result? Blessings from God! 

We have to intentionally allow the Word and the messages from the pulpit change us. I mean, REALLY change us! And that will happen by letting them soak in. Think about what you heard and read, study it, and spend more time with it than with social media or FOX/CNN/MSNBC. Land that drinks up the rain is saturated or soggy. What are you soggy with? Being soggy with the 24-hour news cycle will only add to your anxiety and will NOT get you the blessings that Hebrews 6:7 promises. So, let’s be soggy with the Word! Soggy ground is poised to grow amazing, high-yielding crops!


But He Didn’t Stop There


We Can Do This!