Help Me Understand

June 12, 2018

Have you ever read a Scripture that you had no idea what it meant? You knew what the words said, but the deeper meaning of it was just beyond your reach? In the past, I would have just sped past this verse and move on to the next. But a few years ago, I realized that what’s in the Bible is meant for my edification. If that is true, then I can get a deeper revelation of it. I decided to take Luke 11:9-10 (KJV) seriously.

And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.  

So I changed my approach. When I came across a Scripture that I did not understand, I simply asked the Holy Spirit for a deeper understanding. My prayer was something like: “Holy Spirit, I do not currently understand this Scripture, but I want to understand. Please reveal it to me. Thank you.” Without fail, that request would be answered, usually within a few days or weeks. The answers came in various forms. It might have been a book I was reading, another Bible verse, a Sunday message, a conversation with a friend, or a preacher on the radio. The answer always came, every time, without fail!

An example for me was Matthew 6:22The eye is the lamp of your body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. For some reason, I was stuck in the assumption that the ‘eye’ in this Scripture meant the physical eyeball. Just a few days after I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal a deeper meaning of this Scripture to me, my pastor was teaching about the heart or spirit of a man. He grazed past Verse 21 and mentioned the ‘eye’ in Verse 22 was symbolic of your ‘focus.’ Then he switched to another Scripture in another book of the Bible.   

I had to keep myself from yelling “Eureka!” in the middle of church. It seemed to me that the Holy Spirit arranged for my pastor’s mini detour just to answer my question. I hurriedly scribbled “Eye = Focus” in the margin of that page in my Bible. That one clue allowed me to get an even deeper understanding of the surrounding verses as well. Verses 21: Where is your treasure (your focus)? Verse 24: You can’t serve two masters. You will focus on one and not the other.   

You can experience this too. It works because of the promise - if you ask, you will receive; if you seek, you will find; if you knock, it will be opened to you.


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